Simi Valley
The Most Trusted Hearing Care Experts Simi Valley and Surrounding Areas
2876 N. Sycamore Dr. #303
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Opening Hours
Monday through Friday 8.30 am – 4.30 pm
Closed for lunch 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Request a Callback
With so much confusing information and opinions in the world of hearing care, it can be difficult to know who to trust.
That’s why we have our experienced team of experts on hand.
If you have a question or concern, simply complete this form and our staff will call you back for a friendly and helpful no-obligation conversation.
Don't want to wait? Then why not call us at your nearest office
Meet Your Hearing Care Experts in Simi Valley
Carissa Bennett, AuD.
Doctor of Audiology
Hang Lam, AuD.
Doctor of Audiology
Areas We Serve
How We Can Help

Comprehensive Hearing Assessments
Why Many People Don't Know That They Have a Hearing Loss
We see patients every day that refuse to believe that they have a hearing loss, yet when tested, a rather significant hearing loss is sometimes discovered. Only when we fit them with hearing aids, do they realize just how much they have been missing.
The reason for this is because hearing loss is often very slow and gradual, making it almost impossible to notice any day-to-day differences with no way to compare to what their hearing was once like. This is why your loved ones often notice a hearing loss before you do.
The problem is, the longer a hearing loss is left untreated, the worse it continues to get, with the impact being irreversible.
That’s why we strongly encourage regular comprehensive hearing assessments. They’re quick, non-invasive, and allow you to catch any hearing loss early to take the right preventative measures.
Whether you’re concerned about your hearing or a loved one’s hearing, then your first step is to schedule your hearing assessment.

Prescription Hearing Aid Technology
Choosing The Right Prescription Hearing Technology Based on Your Unique Circumstances
There is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to hearing technology.
The biggest problem that we see is that many people invest in hearing technology blindly at big box stores or with hearing aid dispensers, with little thought to whether the level of technology is correctly selected for their hearing loss, lifestyle, and unique circumstances.
At West Coast Hearing & Balance Center, our team of advanced doctors of audiology makes very specific recommendations for you based on detailed criteria that has been developed over 20 years of caring for tens of thousands of patients.
This ensures that you don’t only achieve the best possible performance based on your lifestyle, but you’re also able to take advantage of the latest technology, including streaming music, audio and phone calls, and connectivity with your cell phone. Our audiologists are trained and considered Premier Lyric Providers and a Preferred Provider for the Lyric.
It’s important to have a trusted hearing care expert make the right recommendation for you based on their vast experience if you want the best possible outcome.

Balance / Vertigo
State-of-the-Art Balance Technology to Help With Your Challenges
We never realize just how much we have taken our balance for granted until we experience our first spells of dizziness or falls.
It’s scary, it can shatter your confidence, and the simplest of tasks can become daunting.
With many balance challenges linked to your inner ear, our team of advanced doctors of audiology is the team of experts that many physicians throughout Los Angeles refer patients towards for help.
With state-of-the-art technology that only a small number of clinics within the US have, we can help to address your challenges and find a solution for you, quickly and effectively, helping you to get back to your normal, confident self.
Your first step is to schedule a consultation so that we can understand your experiences, run some simple non-invasive tests, and discuss how we can help.
Local Hearing Loss Journeys
Ask the Experts
New Research Brings New Avenues for Targeted Treatment and Early Detection of Alzheimer’s
It may come as a surprise to find that Alzheimer’s and hearing loss can often go hand in hand; without hearing the information you need to register, your brain fills in the gaps or forgets what wasn’t heard altogether, leading to swathes of information you don’t...
Small but Effective Ways to Regain Your Focus
Something we could all use a little more of is focus – whether it’s for work, a hobby, or even watching TV before bed, how many times do you pick up your phone or tablet to see what’s going on there instead? With so many distractions out and about, it only makes...
Hearing Loss & Alzheimer’s: Six Steps to Lower Your Risk
Alzheimer’s disease, the seventh leading cause of death in the US, affects more than six million Americans nationwide. While several factors that can influence your risk of Alzheimer’s, including your age, genetics, gender, and more, cannot be changed, there are...