The effects of hearing loss often reach beyond the affected person to spouses, family, friends, and co-workers, which typically leads to the frustration of how best to help.
Consequently, those closest to individuals with a hearing loss often look for solutions to the problem while hoping they can convince their loved ones or friends to get help.
To assist the family, friends, and co-workers of Los Angeles residents with a hearing loss with their dilemma, here are some tips on how to persuade a loved one to get help with their hearing.
Educate Yourself About Hearing Loss, Assessments, and Treatment Options
Be aware that there are plenty of stigmas and myths surrounding hearing loss, hearing care, hearing aids, and all things associated with hearing issues.
Prepare yourself to respond to the misunderstandings and the most common reasons why individuals avoid hearing assessments by educating yourself with the right information to rationally, rather than emotionally, respond to their objections.
This goes a long way toward convincing your loved one or friend to seek help.
Have a Patient and Compassionate Attitude
Understanding the problem as well as the solution is only part of the overall strategy. The manner or approach you use to respond or point out their issue also has a significant impact on the overall success of your efforts. A patient and compassionate attitude is your best bet, which you can show by:
- Having an honest, rational discussion about hearing concerns rather than responding in the heat of the moment
- Encouraging them to visit a hearing professional to have their questions answered
- Reminding them that better hearing leads to less dependence on others to help interpret or translate information
- Offering to go along with them for a screening (yourself included)
- Making them aware that hearing loss can lead to additional serious health problems
Be Their Confidant and Advocate
A person struggling with their hearing often feels damaged and incapable. However, they are often confronted with their problem in a demanding, accusative manner that strips them of their dignity, causing them to put up stiff resistance.
Instead of trying to change your loved one’s mind or getting them to submit to what you want, regardless of how much it will benefit them, become someone in whom they can confide.
Understand and relate to their fears and objections rather than shooting them down. Try to understand their perspective and walk with them toward a solution rather than pushing them to it.
Make Use of Community Resources
Some local health fairs often include hearing assessments, along with other healthcare screenings. Attend a health fair with your loved one and encourage an all-inclusive approach to their health with the addition of a hearing test. If you are acquainted with your loved one’s primary physician or another healthcare provider, recruit them to help encourage a hearing assessment.
Many times, an objective professional can add the needed credibility to their need to seek help. Finally, the testimony of family and friends who use hearing aids and recognize their benefits can be a great encouragement.
West Coast Hearing and Balance Centers Are Here to Help
Proper hearing care has the potential to turn the life of your loved one or friend around completely, so your desire to help is a noble one, but be aware that it is not always easy to convince someone that they need to seek help.
By following these tips and seeking our experts’ help at West Coast Hearing and Balance Centers, you can be a positive voice for hearing care your loved one needs to restore them to a more rewarding lifestyle.
Contact us for additional information and support or to schedule a hearing assessment with necessary COVID protocols in a center nearest to you.