These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do—for your health, that is. 

Recent studies have shown that walking each day, even for just half an hour, can help improve your balance, straighten up your posture, make you more flexible, alleviate pain and stress, and more! 

Walking has many different benefits, whether you walk alone or with a friend in the great outdoors. Even walking for half an hour on the treadmill offers serious boosts to your health.  

If you’re curious about why you should start walking every day, here are some major benefits that’ll motivate you to get started on the right foot. 

Protect Your Bones and Body 

Walking can help keep your bones strong, preventing density loss later in life. 

Brisk walks for 30 minutes per day can help strengthen the bones in your lower spine, hips, and legs to ensure that you keep moving for as long as possible. Your joints will also thank you for the constant movement—walking increases blood flow to tense areas and helps strengthen the muscles around your joints. 

Say Goodbye to Stress 

Feeling overwhelmed? Walking can help lower the presence of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body. 

Just 10 minutes of walking can lower anxiety levels in the body; we aren’t meant to stay sedentary all day. With lowered stress, you can also get a better night’s sleep, feel more creative and motivated, and even feel more inspired to take on other goals.  

Boost Your Brainpower 

One study recently showed that the brain scans of people who walked for one hour three times a week revealed stronger and more efficient decision-making areas in their brains than ever before.  

Research around how walking and physical activity can enhance your brainpower is quickly growing, especially regarding how the increased blood flow to the brain promotes better thinking skills. Walking has also been shown to improve your cognitive abilities—you’ll remember the lovely nature you see much better, too! 

Lighten Your Mood 

Getting outside and walking can make you feel significantly better; 10 minutes of walking can lift your spirits significantly, especially if you’re walking through a park or green space. Regular walking actively changes your nervous system for the better, creating a decrease in anger and hostility. 

Walking with someone, whether it be a partner or a good friend, can help you feel significantly more connected to that person as well.  

Better Your Balance 

With strengthened bones, increased blood flow, and alleviated joint pain, walking will be a breeze—and if you’ve been feeling unsteady on your feet, walking can help with that!

Getting out on your feet and walking can help your body feel more aligned with each step, and you won’t struggle with feeling off-balance as often.  

However, if you’re concerned that your balance issues aren’t being fixed by walking and physical exercise, we’re happy to help you out. Our team of balance specialists can take a look at your balance with a comprehensive balance screening to find out what’s throwing you off-balance and work to fix it with you. 

Find your closest clinic and give us a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Balance Screening

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Lance Nelson, AuD, CCC-A

Dr. Lance Nelson graduated with his AuD from Purdue University in 2010. He worked at Spokane ENT Associates, Lafayette ENT Associates, and at the Lafayette Otolaryngology Associates. Dr. Nelson is experienced in working with infants, children, and adults is Board Certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and is a Fellow of the California Academy of Audiology. His research on Digital Noise Reduction was published in 2009. He is fluent in Spanish. His hobbies are ocean sports, running, and music.