Because we work with a number of hearing aid manufacturers, we are often asked which hearing aids are best.

As the most trusted hearing care experts in Ventura County and Los Angeles, you would imagine the answer would be simple, but there is no single “best” hearing aid.

A lot of factors have to be considered when choosing the right hearing aid for you.

Asking which hearing aid is best is like asking which type of dog you should get. It’s a completely personal choice that will be made based on all your circumstances, needs, and preferences.

With this in mind, I’d like to lay out all the factors that should be considered when choosing your hearing aids so they are exactly the right choice for you – and also what to do once you’ve made your choice.

Choosing The Right Hearing Aid Manufacturer

Going back to choosing a dog, which dog breed is best? How do you choose between a Labrador, terrier, or loveable mutt?

It’s the same with choosing a hearing aid manufacturer. There are too many personal preferences to consider.

Our team has helped more than 10,000 patients achieve better hearing since we opened our doors in the Ventura and Los Angeles communities over 20 years ago.

The manufacturers we partner with to do this are all the big six — Widex, Signia, Oticon, Phonak, ReSound, and Starkey — as well as some of the smaller manufacturers that are owned by the big six.

These six major hearing aid manufacturers sell 96% of all hearing aids worldwide, and we believe they sell this well because they focus on constantly updating their devices to give wearers accessibility to the latest technology and features for the best outcomes.

The big six also constantly work on sound quality in their devices, and each manufacturer will set the hearing aid’s ability to process sounds differently based on their chosen algorithms.

This means we can be very specific about which hearing aid we recommend based on your type of hearing loss — mild, moderate, or severe — and your hearing environments: quiet, background noise, TV, phone, religious services, work, etc.

In summary, we need to first assess your wants and needs so we can fit you with the company that will best meet them.

Key Things We Take Into Consideration Before Recommending A Specific Hearing Device

In order to select the proper hearing device for you or a loved one, it is important that we conduct a thorough and precise audiological evaluation — to assess your hearing loss accurately — and also determine your exact wants and needs when we recommend your hearing treatment.

  • Are you comfortable with the hearing aid being seen by others? Or do you need it hidden? For example, Starkey can make very small, invisible, custom hearing aids while others cannot.
  • Would you rather not take your hearing aid out every night? The Phonak Lyric is the only extended-wear hearing aid that can be worn for months at a time without removing it.
  • Do you only have a hearing loss in one ear? Only a few of the manufacturers make a product that deal with this type of loss.
  • Do you need to wear your hearing aids while playing sports? We can suggest the best ear mold fit possible.
  • How well will a hearing aid process sound – How will it process quality, pitch, speech from behind or while in motion, TV speech and sounds, and loud and soft sounds? Each manufacturer’s devices will process these sounds differently.
  • Is your hearing loss mild, moderate, or severe? Each brand’s performance ability is based on the severity of the hearing loss.
  • How much technology would you like? There are numerous accessories or built-in features that help to stream music, TV, phone calls, computer audio, live theater, movie theaters, etc. wirelessly to the hearing aids.
  • Would you prefer rechargeable hearing aids? Some hearing aids can be recharged nightly like cell phones.
  • Do you have less dexterity than you’d like? It’s easier to control the hearing aid setting on a phone app than on the hearing aid itself.
  • Would you like to stay within a certain budget? We have multiple options, treatment plans, hearing devices, and insurance benefits for your consideration.

Our team at West Coast Hearing and Balance Center has come across every possible hearing difficulty and found a solution.

No matter what your hearing-related challenges are, we can help you.

Choosing The Best Hearing Aids For You

I hope I’ve given you enough of an explanation here to help you see how there is no “best” hearing aid manufacturer, but there is a best hearing aid for you.

The most important factor is choosing an audiologist with a master’s or doctorate in audiology who has the expertise, experience, and training to make sure you are evaluated and fit properly.

Our West Coast Hearing and Balance Center team of hearing experts can answer any question you have and tailor our recommendation to your unique set of needs.

When you have a complete list of everything to consider while looking at hearing aids, and no pressure to pick one manufacturer, you can take your time in coming to the best decision.

If you are in Ventura County and would like to talk to a hearing expert about your hearing needs, we would be happy to help.

We have clinics in Thousand Oaks, Ventura, Camarillo, Simi Valley, Oxnard, and Ojai, where we can test your hearing and help you to decide on the best hearing aid for you.

To schedule your appointment, contact us through the website or call us. We’re looking forward to helping you.


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Hang Lam, AuD.

Dr. Hang Lam graduated with an AuD from UC San Diego/San Diego State University's joint audiology program in 2014. She completed her audiology internship and remained on staff following graduation. She is experienced with working with all age groups and populations. Dr. Lam is a member of the Academy of Doctors of Audiology and the American Academy of Audiology. Hang speaks Vietnamese and enjoys hiking, camping, backpacking, snowboarding, archery, disc golf, cooking, acoustic guitar, arts and craft projects, jewelry making, painting, flower pressing, and cross-stitching.